Long Sole Agency Agreements 

When selling your Swindon home, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls of signing long sole agency agreements with estate agents.

These agreements often lock you into an estate agency contract for an extended period, sometimes as long as 26 weeks.

But why would an estate agent need such a lengthy commitment?

The reality is that long-term agreements primarily benefit the agent, not you, the homeowner. They may be a sign that the agent lacks confidence in their ability to sell your home quickly and effectively.

A prolonged contract can leave you stuck with an underperforming agent who fails to deliver on their promises.

This can be frustrating and may hinder your chances of a successful sale. Always insist on a shorter-term sole agency agreement to protect your interests.

A shorter sole agency agreement provides you with flexibility and ensures that your agent remains motivated to achieve the best possible outcome for your sale.

Remember, it’s your home, your sale, and it should be on fair terms.